How to get booked as a podcast guest (without being annoying)

Nowadays, with the technology that we have, a lot of people expect a lot of different types of content that will suit their current needs. You can only hope some people have the time to read a blog post. Most people want convenience, want a quick video or a good audio quality containing their favorite content that will reach them when they are currently outside their home or even when they are sitting in front of their computer in their workplace.

Why is it that most people are getting attached to listening to podcasts?

Because it's an easy way to get a piece of information with little effort.

One of the best examples is an Apple podcasts application that is being pre-installed on our device that will only take a few steps to subscribe to podcasts. Tons are being updated each time a new episode is available to listen and if you want to download it, you can.

Listening to podcast guests and podcast hosts has become the go-to choice for people across the globe.

If you are a business owner and want to level up by catering to your target audience, this podcast will help you.

How do podcasts help a business?

Podcasting is a lot of work, and that is the reality; you need to have the equipment, maintain it week by week, and you must have to figure out how to edit for your podcast to work, and you know that it doesn’t limit there.

1. You don't need to be an established content creator like those vloggers uploading on their YouTube channel to learn how to start a podcast for your business.

You can take all the benefits of podcasting that it can come with without actually starting your own podcast or even being an expert guest or vlogger. Consistency is a must as a creator. You’ll need more than one podcast episode; you’ll need to brainstorm different themes or topics that will surely catch the attention of the podcast’s audience.

2. Your conversation is shared with a target audience that took years to build.

Sharing a conversation is about building your connection with your viewers and listeners. Thus, this “connect ability” of a podcast guest and a podcast host to their audience will enable them to open up more. How will I do that? Conduct interesting podcast interviews that your own audience can relate to.

3. The podcast will generate leads for your business.

As we all know, more leads result in more traffic authority which means that there’s almost always a link that points back to your website in descriptions, which helps build domain authority that affects your search rankings on some level.

This podcast is a great way to get more business. It is proven user intent that if you give the podcast listeners and viewers a good podcast interview through a podcast guest and podcast host exciting conversations, they will enjoy it.

These are the three different things that make up a good podcast guest.

I wanted to share with you what I saw based on my experience as a podcast host and when I did a podcast guesting from another show on how the host conducted the whole thing and what their strategies are on their podcast.


Of course, when you engage in podcasting, you need better-quality audio. If I were part of the podcast audience, I would find and subscribe to a podcast that gives me a good sound that isn’t crappy. This audio plays a big part in podcast content. You can shoot a video clip but can’t ignore poor audio.

If you are the podcast guest, whether a podcast host account wants to publish a video or not, you still need to be interacting with a host or co-host on a video. So, you’ll ensure the frame of whatever is filmed looks decent. And as you know, the chance to use your computer’s built-in webcam could not be a better idea. Upgrading to a Logitech webcam or using your iPhone as a webcam can be an excellent remedy for this video quality issue.

You get booked as a podcast guest, so you want to deliver a well-deserved quality in your physical setup.

2. HOW you get on the show.

Nearly every podcast has its own podcast promoted on every social media platform, including a media page, social media post, YouTube Channel, and many more. If you get booked as a podcast guest, and you have scheduled interviews or any invitations for podcast appearances, and you want to attract the podcast’s audience, make sure that it brings you an exciting podcast interview rather than an interview that feels forced because you constantly get pitches and can’t connect with them.

Could you make sure you know what the target audience type? If yes, it will be easy for you to get booked as a guest on other podcasts.

Those few appearances from any other podcast from like-minded podcasters will help you get booked as a podcast guest in the future. That is why show notes are as much essential because they will give your target audience the following:

  • Brief description of the episode

  • Summary of topics

  • Brief guest profile and many more.

If you wanted to be a guest on a podcast, you would indeed find podcast hosts that do guest interviews that deliver interesting podcasts message. If you find one, please get the host’s contact information, and do not hesitate to follow up and give them a pitch template with an engaging subject line. Most people don’t see your stuff the first time, or if they see it, they forget about it, but they’re considering it. So that you know you’re not being annoying. Remember to leave your contact info, and if you can speak directly to the podcast hosts, then do so.


If you guest on a podcast, you must be confident enough to discuss topics relevant to the audience. This isn’t just about you as a podcast guest, but rather this will affect the whole show, including the podcast hosts, if you do not figure out well what to discuss and when the podcast hosts don’t feel that it’s compelling, of course, the tendency that episode will not be shared to the public. So the talking points are an important note; know how to talk about what you do, who you are, and what you’ve done, which will help you attract new listeners.

For example, I am a podcast guest, and currently, my job is as a fitness coach; and I want to talk about weight loss or how to meal prep is essential, I will refrain from preaching about how the preparation is vital. That will be boring; what I can do as a podcast guest is to share an interview with a client that establishes expertise. And that you can tell a story from your point of view where you say to a story about a time when meal prep affected you, how it messed up your whole routine, or how it saved you and helped you out, having bite-sized stories that deliver value and being able to deploy them when you are asked a question that’s relevant to this, that is one of the massive advantages to being a guest on a podcast and getting asked to come back on over and over because people like to listen to a podcast guest that is dropping a lot of cool stuff without being that preachy.

When doing this, you are building a personal connection relevant to the target audience. The advantage is that you would remove a whole layer of anxiety because you would feel more prepared. We can’t deny that you will recall all of these remarkable stories about yourself that teach something or share something about you, so take some time to write it down through a bullet or two in your phone, run through this list quickly, then go. This will define high-quality interviews.

How to become a favorite podcast guest?

1. Prepare 30 to 50 stories that are super rock solid.

You don’t have to do this, but from the standpoint of the comedian world, that’s typically at the back of their pocket that they can recall any time. Ordinary people will have ten (10) stories to tell over and over at all dinner parties, and it’s imperative, funny, reasonable, and entertaining. Unlike the comedian count, that makes a lot of comedy podcast guests.

2. Focus on the goal of becoming the favorite podcast guest

If you listen to some top podcasts from your ideal podcast guests, you’ll realize that their stories are similar in how they reuse, recycle, or tell them from different podcasts if they are booked as a guest. They are okay with how the audience will find two or three interviews where the podcast guest talked about the same story. Instead, they focus on the target audience, the podcast host, and delivering their best experience.


This is useful if you think you can be a guest on a podcast as a marketing strategy, even if you only appear in a few episodes. It will continue to increase in terms of the impact it can have on your business, and you’re seeing a lot of big CEOs starting to do this because it gives room to breathe and talk with context. And then it also provides all those opportunities where you can pull clips and do all the things you might do if you had your podcast, right? That’s why you would do it. Okay, I have this whole content system.

Suppose you decide to build your podcast later in the future by creating your own podcast name, and you choose to be on the apple podcasts as a host, for example, and not just a guest. In that case, you’ll have significant momentum since you have learned how podcasts work, how to get booked on podcasts, how to produce high-quality interviews to become a potential podcast, what the podcasters’ tips are, and many more.

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