Mindset, Business Breakthroughs, and Emotional Deposits w/ Aaron Hinde

There’s power in learning from your mistakes to improve future performance. In today’s episode, we’re joined by Aaron Hinde, Co-Founder, and President of the amazing Life Aid brand. From humble beginnings to having the official recovery drink of the 2017 CrossFit Games in his portfolio, Hinde joins me as we discuss the powerful impact of learning from the past and discovering unique abilities.

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    Show Notes:

    ·        (2:52) – Entrepreneurship and Performance

    ·        (9:11) – Lessons Learned

    ·        (17:38) – Evolved Mindset

    ·        (27:04) – Abundance and Intent

    ·        (33:55) – Finding Your Unique Ability

    ·        (44:34) – Heroes of Education

    ·        (54:39) – Future Decisions

    ·        (56:10) – Gifts of Knowledge

    ·        (63:22) – Acknowledging Appreciation

    Podcast Transcript:

    Aaron (00:01):

    What’s up, everybody? This is Aaron Hinde and you are listening to the Airborne Mind Show.

    Misbah Haque  (00:13):

    Welcome to the airborne mind show. I am your host, Misbah Haque. And in these conversations, I like to explore what mental frameworks drive people to do what they do. I have strong feelings about talking to people who are deeply entrenched in and passionate about their work. I’ve always been drawn to ideas, art, and people that have a perspective that I can learn from. And so along the way, we’re going to share and explore ideas that leave you with more context, you’ll pick up things that might be educational, empowering, inspirational, or simply entertaining. And because you’re listening, I have a free gift only for podcast listeners that you can grab, if you head over to Mizhq.com. Again, that’s mizhq.com. 

    Today, my guest is Aaron Hinde. He is the co-founder of fit aid and life aid beverage company. I had listened to him share his story on other shows before and talk about some of the adversity that he had gone through and I was so eager to learn more about, the mental frameworks that helped him break through the mold, how do you stay moving forward in a dark period, where your vision isn’t really actualized yet. And there were so many things in this episode that were actionable, mindsets, or pieces that you can really extract from this and use it to level up. I really sat with some of the topics from this episode afterward, and just like wrote about it, there’s so much and one of my favorite areas that we discuss are emotional deposits and emotional withdrawals. 

    We talk about some of the mindsets that Aaron has seen from, hanging out with billionaires, noticing what does it take to get to the first million to 10 million and beyond? What are some of the parallels that we see with these top performers in business? So there’s so much to be learned in this conversation. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And more importantly, hope you do something with it. Aaron, welcome to the show, brother.

    Aaron: (02:50):

    Thanks for having me. Appreciate it.

     Entrepreneurship and Performance

    Misbah Haque  (02:52):

    Yeah, I’m so excited to have you on because I followed your journey for quite some time. And there’s a lot about your thinking and your approach to entrepreneurship. And really performance in general, it seems like that, that excites me. And I’m excited to be here and be able to kind of have this conversation with you. Great.

    Aaron: (03:13):

    I’m excited as well, thank you.

    Misbah Haque  (03:15):

    Tell me a little bit about you, you were a very successful sports chiropractor. And, when you decided that there was this other calling that was kind of pulling at you walk me through, take me back to like that time and what your kind of thought process was like around then. 

    Aaron  (03:33):

    I was a sports chiropractor here in Santa Cruz for 10 years. solopreneur. So sole practice had therapists working for me and a couple of front office people. So just to put things in perspective, especially for any gym owners out there, I was pulling in 350 grand a year every year for 10 years, some years, 20 grand more, but never under 350. So you’re really pretty successful. by most standards, I was putting in 25 hours a week in the office. So it wasn’t like I was slaving for 60 hours a week, very low overhead. Didn’t know much about money at the time. So I blew a lot of money, just wasteful on stupid stuff in excessive insurance. And people would come in and sell me stuff that I thought I needed. And I would sign-on. So it was interesting when we had this concept for life aid. And we finally started to get a little traction and saw something there to make that decision to push the chips all in and walk away from the very successful practice. So just to give the audience a little background on what that time looked like.  You know, I had a wife and two kids. 

    We had recently purchased some property in the Santa Cruz Mountains, which was totally off the grid. So literally a little deer trail I had a tractor and a chainsaw cleared out. So we were living in this 400 square foot RV, a travel trailer. We didn’t even have Power for like two months, literally boiling water for a tub and like old school camping, right? And we cleared out this big pad on the top of the mountain. And we were going to build our dream house on the top of the mountain. Well, all this is going on long while we start lifeaid. And my business partner, Ryan, and I, sat down, and we were kind of working two different worlds. And I’d be treating people by day working life aid by night and the weekends, we started getting attraction, we said, look, in order to have this really become what we think it’d become, we need to go all-in on it, we need to put 100% of our focus and our energy towards it. 

    And it always chokes me up a little bit thinking about it, because of the risk that I put my family through, had $220,000 in student loans. I had a 300,300 $50,000 I owed on my role and hadn’t even built a house yet. And I’m walking away from my income stream to basically go into a job that wasn’t making me any money. But there was something burning inside of me where I’m going, I’m, how much bigger can I get as a Cairo like, I treated NBA and NFL athletes, I’m getting 30 referrals a month, I got a good income, and but I wasn’t fulfilled. And so it was that kind of that drive and that burning desire that my business partner, I just said, let’s, let’s do this, let’s make this happen. And thank God, it’s working out, because I can’t imagine, going back to my wife as a failure, and then having literally nothing and mounting debt that we had at the time.

    Misbah Haque  (06:43):

    What this kind of reminds me of is something I heard. I think it’s Ian Siegel from ziprecruiter. He’s like the CEO of ziprecruiter. And when he first when he was first starting the company,he sat there, and he looked at his wife, and he was like, I think I finally found what it is like, I’m called to do like, I want to do this, but I know we’re gonna have to downsize. And we’re gonna have to make a lot of sacrifices here. And she looked at him and was like, Well, how long? Like how? And he was like, What do you mean? And he’s like, How long until we kind of dismissed this thing as a failure. And he looked at her and he was two years. And, in that timeframe that that time frame is what’s fascinating to me is like, from the moment of inception of this idea to the traction that you just said, Oh, we’re getting a little bit of traction. And then, let’s go all in. Was there any? I don’t know. Any questions in your mind from inception to when you were getting traction? On? Like, is this thing gonna work?

    Aaron  (07:44):

    Good question. There was never a question. In my mind. I think everybody around us had lots of questions, especially now our full time controller who is basically doing our books and stuff once a month for us. He’s looking at the numbers going, shaking his head going, Hey, you guys, this thing needs to start making some money someday. I mean, we were very, we’ve learned a lot over the last eight years. But we at the time, we had three products that we launched on the market all very close together. Mistake number one. They all had different websites, they still have different social media channels. There’s basically three different businesses we were running at once. 

    Literally, I remember being up in Sacramento at a big golf show, having a polo shirt on golf had golf rates, lean golf red, we go to a CrossFit calm that was going on so we had to switch gear and our Lulu, and Reeboks and everything we hit the crossing. And then on the way home, we go to San Francisco and it’s nighttime there’s a big fire dance show and we put on our Burning Man gear and we start slinging party. So like three different complete lifestyles, we didn’t want any cross-pollination going on. So it’s very difficult it’s hard enough to make one business run let on really three at the time. And I think the big lesson was as soon as we learned to focus and especially focus on what most people know us for our fifth aid line, specifically in the CrossFit vertical, and making that a home run that’s when we started getting the much-needed traction.

     Lessons Learned

    Misbah Haque  (09:10):

    That’s really interesting. When you because at this point you are someone I see really kind of guiding mentoring educating a lot of entrepreneurs out there a lot of up and coming fitness entrepreneurs and you have a ton of lessons I’m sure you’ve taken away from being a part of these several businesses. What did you feel like the skills that you acquired from being a sports Chiron the successful business that you had when it came to diving into fit aid life aid? Did some of that transfer over because there’s it is a bit of a different game right brick and mortar running this facility and then now it’s like this you like you were saying the level of the game is just a little bit different?

    Aaron  (09:55)

    The level of the game is 1000 acts of the game I was playing but the test Question 100% that skill set was essential. I mentioned I ran a practice that was driven by referrals 30 New referrals a month for 10 years straight, right? I mean, what Jim wouldn’t like to have 30 new members coming in every month for 10 years, that focus that patient-centric, customer-centric focus, to do what’s always best for them, not what’s best for me what’s best, what I believe is best for them. So when I’m talking to coaches or trainers, if you truly believe that this person needs 12 months, in your facility, in your gym, of training, or personal training, or whatever it is four or five days a week, you have a moral obligation to tell them that you don’t sell them on three months, if you need, if you think they need 12. 

    When I was in Cairo, the biggest, I think objections that people have to chiropractors are like, Oh, they’re gonna crack you or once you go once, you’re gonna have to go for the rest of your life and all the stuff. And I knew those objections. And I’m like, I could fix people in two or three adjustments at a time with doing what I do, and active release and all of this stuff. And, and so I’d go into a gun, how quickly could I get this person back to whatever their goal is that arranger motion back on the football field, out of pain, whatever it is. So always asking them what is your primary goal and coming here for care, and then focusing on that and achieving that, and being making it very, customer focus. 

    So we take that same approach, here at lifeaid. And know that our brand is not just what people see in the gym, or at Whole Foods, our brand is every single touchpoint with me through this podcast, through our art department, through our logistics, shipping, receiving customer service, everything every touchpoint is the brand, okay? And you’re either making an emotional deposit contributing to their overall perception of that brand, or you’re making an emotional withdraw, taking away from it. And that’s where people do not get referrals and do not get stuck and do not contribute to lifetime value, because they’re taking too many withdrawals without making the deposits first.

    Misbah Haque  (12:11):

    Well, okay, so let’s pause there and dive into that rabbit hole for a second, right? If we’re focusing, like, let’s keep the brick and mortar facility in mind, maybe gym owners can kind of resonate here or Cairo’s and PTs out there. But what you just said, the emotional withdrawal, and the emotional deposit. Tell me a little more about that. 

    Aaron  (12:31):

    Every interaction, there are no neutral interactions in life. I don’t believe we’re either making a deposit to people’s emotional bank accounts or withdraw. Now withdrawals in life are inevitable, they’re inevitable. They’re we say something or someone interprets something different than our intent. In our business, FedEx drops a package and breaks the can and sprays all over the place, and it’s a mess. There’s a lot of things that cause withdraws. Okay? The key is not to, to, to avoid the withdrawals, I think that’s impossible to you can definitely try to minimize, but have systems in place where you’re constantly making deposits, you’re adding value, you’re treating people how they would want to be treated, very simple. 

    It’s coming back to the golden rule. The golden rule is all about making emotional deposits. So if I’m constantly treating people in anytime I’m sitting here, and we’re looking at each other in this podcast, if I’m in your see in your in mind, how would I be interacting with you right now, like, keeping that in mind always creates the best outcome for your clients, your customers, your patients, it always does. And they know that they know over time that your intent, which is the most important component, your intent is in the right place. Then when FedEx drops a package, guess what? It’s okay. Because we have a big bank account built up, we can only afford little withdrawals once in a while. But you can’t you can’t neglect that the most important thing in building and scaling a business is continuing to be focused on the really the only people that that matter and those are the people that are giving you money.

    Misbah Haque  (14:19)

    So when you tied this back to the 30 referrals that you’re getting every month, what’s maybe a mistake that you see within gym owners and coaches who are taking too many emote, emotional deposits and not what’s an example of some withdrawal? Not sorry, I messed that up emotion withdrawal taking emotional withdrawals, but what are some examples of emotional deposits that they could kind of give? 

    Aaron  (14:45)

    Let me first give you the withdraw scenario because I used to run into this all the time, especially in CrossFit gyms traveling around the world. It’s getting better. I’m not the only one, proselytizing on this front. But when you walk into a new gym, you may or may not get acknowledged but if you get acknowledged it’s probably a scowl from a head coach like what are you doing? Interrupting my class no one comes over to greet you. You stand there for a while. That whole type of experience. The opposite of that is you walk into a new facility. Maybe they’ve got some the entry, the entryway has a receptionist who greets you with a smile and a handshake. There are testimonials up on the wall from your members. There’s a nice-looking pro shop. If there is no front desk person, then the coach in the middle of the class tells the class to give me one sec, I’ll be right back as the class is going run over to the new person shakes your hand. Hey, what’s your name? I’m Aaron really appreciate you coming by, can you just give me a couple of minutes, I’m right in the middle of class and we’re almost done. I’d love to talk to you more about your fitness goals. 

    Acknowledging them, connecting with them, even if it’s for a short amount of time, that doesn’t matter. It’s the intent behind the time and then see what I’m saying. It’s just your nurturing when you’re doing a free Saturday class call, having structures around that class to stimulate referrals from your current members running a referral contest for people that bring other people in, making it a win-win, giving all your new prospects a gift bag for showing up with maybe some tape, rock tape and a free fit aid and an ice pack or whatever the hell you can afford to give away. But if people start to recognize my lifetime value, I’m charging people 300 bucks a month here, and my average person stays with me for two years. My lifetime value is six grand, can you afford to give away $10 worth a swap on the first visit? Heck yeah, you can. 

    Our best gym selling fit aid is not a numbers game. It’s not the gyms with 600 members yet some of those do really well. But it’s not a gym. Some of the best gyms I just interviewed the gym owner that we have has 160 members, believe it or not. They do like 30 cases a month. How do they do that kind of volume 160 members, every new prospect that ever walked steps foot and doesn’t work out with them gets a free fit eight after their first class only. And it’s just like, Oh, I just busted my ass I got this reward, guess what happens when they join? When people understand reciprocity and the power that like that whole process, you got to really think through the customer journey. This is not just an online thing. The customer journey is definitely a brick-and-mortar and physical thing as well. And it’s amazing how much they translate between brick and mortar and online.

    Evolved Mindset

    Misbah Haque  (17:38)

    For sure. I love that. And we may circle back to this later. But I want to get your thoughts on it now. The level of the game that you’re playing at the moment, right? When you compare that back to when you were sports Cairo? And really like the little the milestones between then and now. How for you has that changed personally, like have you noticed anything within your mindset that has kind of evolved or shifted

    Aaron  (18:05):

    100% when I was making big cash on what I would consider your 350 grand a year as a Cairo, but for whatever reason, I found myself frequently in scarcity mode. At the end of the day, I was broke. When I was making no money. I had life aid in the early days. But I was in abundance mode because I was pitching this vision to potential investors and partners and distributors and retailers and gyms. Fast forward a little bit. Now my net worth is much more substantial than it was. So having an abundance mindset is key and continually up-leveling your game. The biggest way we sabotage ourselves as entrepreneurs is between our ears, it’s between our ears. And it’s so sad for me because I see people that go down these kinds of negative rabbit holes, they spiral, even family members and stuff get stuck in this negativity loop or a gambling loop or an alcoholism loop. And they don’t recognize like, wait for a second, I’m controlling the outcome here. There’s nobody to blame. It’s not my history. It’s not my parents.

    It’s not my situation. It’s not my divorce, look in the mirror and wake up every morning, go what I got this, so a big shift for me was really transitioning out of that scarcity mode into abundance mode. And then reinforcing that abundance mode because the dark side always wants to come back the demon on your shoulder, that negative voice always wants to pull you back, pull you back. It’s like you’re a five year old and you can’t escape. Whatever happened to you when you were 510 15 years old. Not that that matters anymore. But having a routine reinforces that abundance and that appreciation. So I think a big change for me was my morning routine. I switched that up a few years ago and I’ve stuck with it faithfully and it’s been a complete game changer for me. My outlook and how I start the day and all that?

    Misbah Haque  (20:04):

    Yeah, I know that, I can resonate with that where it’s like, okay, I hold on to this new abundance type of mindset. And I’m sure let’s say listeners have done this in the past too. And the Dark Demon starts to creep back in. Right? And you just mentioned there, there were wait times where you had to pull yourself out of that and come back to the abundance mindset. Do you remember? Were there any strategies for you that seemed to work at the time? Or was it as simple as like, kind of stopping yourself and getting back on the wagon?

    Aaron  (20:36):

    Yeah, I think the first thing we need to do is recognize the patterns that are repeating. Okay, that’s, that’s number one. Because a lot of us just kind of, we just kind of drift into these patterns without being conscious of them. So being conscious and going, Wait for a second, that’s that thing coming back? That’s kind of step one. And then you can kind of what I do is I literally laugh at it. I laugh at myself, I laugh at it. I’m like, I can’t believe that that is even still trying to come into your reality like, no, no, I’m not gonna let that happen. Right. But I think another part of it is, as I mentioned the morning ritual morning routine. That’s just it, life is all about trajectory, right? Everyone focuses on velocity and life, especially young entrepreneurs, velocity is not the thing you should be focusing on, you should only focus on a trajectory. Because when the trajectory is right, then, lock in good brakes and hard work all start to pay off and they feel the velocity. So as long as we’re focused on a trajectory, starting the day off within the right trajectory, with getting up early, making your bed, I fill out the Five Minute Journal, which those are no’s, it’s appreciation journal, three things that you’re grateful for three things that will make help make today. 

    Great One, self-affirmation. All right. So fill that out. I go in the shower, I do some Wim Hof breathing in the shower, I then do a cold plunge in the shower. It’s very euphoric. It’s like better than any coffee, you could drink, come out, kind of do my whole MCT oil, coffee, and I’ll do some daily greens and a couple of eggs from my chickens and make breakfast for the kids and then take my son to school and talk to him about, what he’s grateful for what will make his day to group day Great. Then I go to the ocean, right by our office here, I do a couple more rounds of Wim Hof breathing. And I just come outside for three minutes and just watch the ocean. And when I get into the office, I’m ready to rock and roll, versus, hitting the snooze bar three times and being laid and rushed and getting a pop tart and a cup of coffee and rushing into the office like I’m dreading my day. That’s just a different approach to it. And when you are thinking about how you start the day, you start the day on the right trajectory, then the whole day tends to start working out, things start to click.

    Misbah Haque  (22:59):

    Yeah, that morning routine seems to be huge. It’s something that Tim Ferriss has talked about a lot, and a lot, that’s a theme within the guests that have been on the show. Everyone seems to have their own version of some type of ritual to kind of kick off the morning. And, you were mentioning that you had the opportunity to meet two billionaires with a B, right? Yeah. Do they? What do they do? What did you take away? Or what did you learn from just interacting with them?

    Aaron  (23:30):

    I’m very, so easy to get along with and connect with and talk to, like, they have so gone beyond the ego. Right? That they just don’t have anything to prove, that they’re very people-centric, they’re about doing the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. versus doing the right thing, because then it makes me look good. Does that make sense? Yeah. So, um, yeah, I mean, it’s like watching an athlete and complete flow state just dominating the basketball court. It’s the same thing. They’re there. They’re in a flow state in life, and how they interact with people, how they make people feel special, how they treat people as they’d want to be treated, how they approach everything from an abundance mindset, how they’re always looking for Win Win type of scenarios. I think that’s truly what separates people that are in the say, $10 million net worth to the,, the much bigger numbers 100 or billion is like you could be a complete dick. You could be a scumbag and end up with $10 million in the next couple of years. 

    Like there are tactics to make money, right. But to do it in a way to do it. While you maintain your reputation, is a little bit longer path, typically, but it’s the sustained path. And what do you have in life outside of your reputation? That’s what it’s all about, I often contemplate witnessing my own funeral. And who’s there? What are they saying? How many people showed up, like, I’m Greek Orthodox, the services are very long, like, who stands through a two-hour service for me, and that kind of thing. And it affects me, it affects how I see and how I want to treat people because I truly want what’s best for everybody out there, I truly am. Putting all my effort into an abundance mode. Most times in my life, I’m conscious of it, I still have the demons, I still have my struggles, we all do. But I’m making a conscious effort to move forward. If someone told me once, life is like, being a salmon, salmon going to spawn, right, you’re swimming upstream, you’re swimming upstream. As soon as you stop putting in that effort, what happens?

    The current takes you back out in the ocean, this is not a passive process, we have to put in the work, we have to be conscious of it, we constantly have to put in the work. And I’m not just talking about physical work, but that’s part of it, too. Yeah  the mental work, the emotional work, the spiritual work, the relationship work it all requires effort. And I, and I think if we’re not going to be if we’re gonna be real truthful, with ourselves, a lot of us can look at it like, well, if I’m not where I want to be right now in life, it’s probably because I just haven’t put in the effort around it. Because if you put in the effort, things change, you may not change tomorrow, may not change a month from now. But give it a year, give it five years, give it 10 years, there will be a different result, I promise you.

    Abundance and Intent

    Misbah Haque  (27:04):

    It seems like an abundance mentality. And then intent are two big themes that you kind of just spotted. And if we were to kind of take it back even further, where, you mentioned like, the, 10 million net worth and below and then 10 Million and above, what if you take that to like 1 million? Or even, like you said, 350,000? What are some of those differences in thinking that you feel like may contribute to? Maybe somebody’s not able to break through to the next level, whatever that might be? Maybe it’s maybe six figures, it’s 100, or 350? Or a million? Like, what are some of those patterns that you may have either experienced or you’ve spotted from just talking to people

    Aaron  (27:44):

    There’s a big breakthrough, I think between the 100, several 100,000, and a million, because what happens, especially for solopreneurs? if they’re like, Okay, I’m at 150, I want to get to three, what do they do to get to three? What’s the formula? Well, 150 times two is three. So, therefore, if I put in twice the effort, I get to three, right? And some of them are successful at doing that. And they put in twice the effort, and they grind twice the hours and grind and grind and grind. And then they get to three, the problem is, then their health is it goes to shit and their marriage falls apart. And their kids don’t know who they are. And that was kind of me for a long time around here. I was just grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding and grinding. And we kept growing. But it was a, there were consequences associated with that, personally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, everything. So the big, and then when you finally hit a million, you’re like, Ah, I made it. And then you’re like, Wait a second. Yeah. It’s not just like a magic number out there.

    It’s just a number. And you just keep going anyway. So I think the big part of the transition is letting go, you have to focus on, you have to be honest with yourself, what is your unique ability? I think our big transition around here happened when Orion, and I used to share all responsibilities. We were both in every investor pitch, we were both in every formulation, every product ran every marketing campaign, we both took the trash out, we did everything together, right? It was a 5050 partnership, and we did everything 5050. It was not scalable. It was not scalable. So when we finally said look, we need to really scale this thing. What’s my unique ability, what’s his unique ability, and going through the very painful process? Because you’re like, I’m good at meeting with investors. What do you mean, yeah, it’s a painful painful process and it got emotional. It got heated. 

    There was yelling involved and screaming and door slamming and you’re just holding on to your, your, your sacred cows. But then, as you start to scale you realize thank God I’m not done I had no place over there anyway. Like, what was I doing? I was jamming up the system and being able to focus on what I’m good at what I enjoy doing. Why would I ever want any other way? So I think that the transition from that, like, early hundreds to, a million and beyond is finding out your unique ability focusing on that. If you find yourself constantly procrastinating on certain things, it’s probably because you suck at them. So hire somebody else to do them or bring in a partner. That’s what they love and start scaling the business that way versus, thinking you can do it all yourself.

    Misbah Haque  (30:36):

    Yeah, there’s a couple different directions I want to go with that. One is the consequences that you mentioned, which is like, yeah, I could just do double the work and grind extra hard. But then there’s a toll on health, a toll on relationships or family and things like that. Do you feel like some of that? Like, when is the right time to push through, and like, Hey, I just need to kind of grind it out. Or actually, what, it’s time to kind of let go a little bit and find somebody?

    Aaron  (31:06):

    Well, that’s kind of the magic question. I wish I had the magic answer for it. For us, it was like, things are about to break, things are bursting at the seams. Yeah, everything’s just at a point. And it’s out of necessity. Now that those decisions are easy, but you almost have to live through it and live through that close to breaking point, in order to then know, through experience and maturity, that oh, okay, I see these certain signs, and I know that I need to bring somebody in for this or, start outsourcing some things. So, I don’t, and it’s different for every situation. So you almost got to live through it, but you’ll start to see, and the signs of it are, your spread way too thin, you’re probably putting in way too many hours, the relationships start to get strained, you’re not eating and training it as well as you, you should be. 

    So if you start to see those signs, those are all signs and symptoms of this issue, then you need to take back, take back, take a deep breath, kind of write out what you’re spending your time on. I know Tim and some others have some exercises around this, but basically, start documenting your day and go, Where is my unique ability here? What do I absolutely hate doing, and start to, and what am I neutral about? And first, get rid of the stuff that you hate doing, and start to focus on one unique ability. And then over time, you can get rid of the neutral stuff to go to somebody else and really focus on your unique ability. Because if we’re on our unique ability to talk about abundance, right? Like nobody can do what I do as well as I do it. And nobody can have 63 people here all unique, that are all contributing in a unique way to the best of their abilities. And that is a kick-ass, symbiotic organism that is only going to continue to grow.

    Misbah Haque  (33:09):

    Yeah, that’s, that’s what I was kind of getting at was like, Could you solve this before those consequences happen? Or do you do have to, you do have to taste a bit of it in order to recognize like, well, this is the consequence, I need to do something.

    Aaron  (33:25):

    Yeah, I think when you’re first starting and scaling, you gotta suffer a little bit. I’m sure. My buddy, Jesse Elder, told me once it stuck with me, probably a year and a half ago, he said, Aaron, everybody experiences pain that’s inevitable, but it’s your choice, whether you want to suffer or not. And I took that to heart. And I really been incorporating that in my life and choosing not to suffer, even in the midst of pain,

     Finding Your Unique Ability

    Misbah Haque  (33:53):

    for sure. How did you go about, finding your unique ability? Because like you said, it can be a painful process. You’re like, well, I’m good at this. But I’m also good at that. Or you could be in the other boat, and you’re like, Well, I don’t know, I don’t really know what I’m good at. So is there? Is there a certain thought process you had or an exercise you did that help kind of bring some of that to light?

    Aaron  (34:16):

    Good question. I think if you’re just not unsure of your unique ability, one exercise I would do is probably send a personalized email one on one to, your 10 closest friends, mentors, relatives, whatever it is, and just ask them, hey, what do you think my unique ability is, and see if you see consistencies back there? Because sometimes we just get myopic and we don’t even see what’s obvious to other people. So that’s one technique and approach. If you do have some self awareness around that, I would just do the technique that I mentioned earlier and say, what, am I really good at? What do I excel at? What do I enjoy doing? What am I doing better than anyone else? So if you’re a gym owner out there, and you are an incredible coach and you love coaching and you love leading the class and everything, there’s nothing wrong with that hire, get a partner on or hire someone who’s a nerdy business Excel geek and let them do all the billing and marketing and all that and you continue to train like, you can be an entrepreneur and not have to, like be sitting back in the office and directing people what to do, there’s a lot of different forms, that’s the beauty of it, you can do whatever the hell you want to do. 

    And life’s too short to do things you don’t want to do. So focusing on what you want to do, I think and what you enjoy doing, helps kind of reveal your unique ability. And for me, I realized that I’m a damn good salesman, I’m just a good salesman, how I can relate with people in my, in my ability to pitch and, so that was a big part of my unique ability and, and building culture and in the team and supporting people with different tools available, whether it’s giving all our new hires a five-minute journal, or paying for sensory depth, float tank, or whatever it is, we incorporate it around here quickly and say I’m not trying to proselytize to my team like this is the way it is. And this is the only way I’m saying these are tools that work for me, try them at least once, because they work for me try it once. And if it works for you, incorporate it. But it’s that Kaizen approach, right of constant improvement, constantly moving forward, constantly improving.

    Misbah Haque  (36:37):

    When you go to a lot of these, let’s say fitness expos, or, like mastermind groups, or you’re getting to speak in front of an audience that has a lot of fitness entrepreneurs that are probably trying to get to that, maybe it’s the next level like that, the million range 10 million, whatever it is, or maybe it’s just like just trying to scratch the surface, right and break through into the early like you said, several 100,000, right. What were some of the patterns there? I know, you said abundance and scarcity mindset, you highlighted that. But are there any other patterns that stick out to you? That was like, Yeah, this is a theme that I’m seeing over and over again. And if that using that 8020 rule, which is like, Hey, if you do 20% of these things, it may produce 80% of the outcome. If you kind of solve that problem, is there anything that stood out to you on that end?

    Aaron  (37:31):

    Well, I think you nailed it with, the 8020 rule and focusing on the 20% of the things that produce 80% of the results. A lot of people don’t understand the Pareto principle, see if, if you don’t know what that is, you should look at that and study that. Because that is a massive lever, right? It’s all about leverage. So if I can put in my effort and get 20% of the effort, get 80% of the results. Well, that’s a lever, so you need to pull those types of levers. So that’s a big thing. I would say, on the opposite end of the spectrum, when I’m meeting people who are at their A-game and one of my buddies Pedro’s he’s in the fitness space. I mean, he’s got like, five businesses all doing 10 million each. It’s crazy. I’m like, five different businesses. But he is constantly thinking, how can I provide value to everyone? I’m talking to, like, oh, Aaron, you need to meet this guy, you guys should work together on this project, he can bring value here, you bring value here, boom, right?

    Nothing in it for him. He’s not getting a piece of the action. But he’s, he’s looking at things on how can he bring people together and build value. So it’s almost like a paying it forward type of thing. Because Bedros knows, if he ever needs anything from me, all he has to do is call me or text me. And it’s there. And I did it, the same thing for him. So it’s just, you start to build those kinds of relationships. And then you’ll see what’s basically the LeapFrog effect, right? Instead of grinding one step after another after another, all of a sudden, you go from one to 10 and 10, to 100. Because you have all of this goodwill and reciprocity built up by constantly providing value to everybody around you without expectation of return. That’s the big thing. It’s almost like the Burning Man approach, right? You’re, you’re contributing, you’re providing value, but you don’t have an expectation of return. And the universe has its way of always making a full circle. It’s like karma.

    Misbah Haque  (39:24):

    Yeah, I mean, it seems like it comes back to the emotional deposit thing there.

    Aaron  (39:29):

    Yeah. underplant, right. Yeah, that’s what it is. Yeah.

    Misbah Haque  (39:32):

    Do you remember that moment for you? Or was there a moment where you were like, instead of that one step after the next step, and just kind of grinding away you went from that one to 1010 to 100? Does there a memory or story that kind of stands out there?

    Aaron  (39:47):

    Yeah. I was more on the receiving end of that. of that approach. So my good friend and he’s almost like a brother to me and mentor to Donna who’s a brilliant marketer, and he happened to be in the chiropractic space. And so I knew him through there. And when I was moving on for my practice and full time in life aid, we had a little, a little chat about it. And then like, a few weeks later, he calls me up and he says, Hey, I know you guys can’t afford it. But I’m a member of this marketing group. There’s a lot of good people and a lot of good ideas. It’s not cheap, it’s 25 grand to join. I know you don’t have the money, but if you want to go, don’t worry about it. Alright, to check, pay me back when you can. No contracts, no interest, just handshake pay me back when you can he stroked a check for me. And, sorry, it always chokes me up to think about.

    Aaron  (40:56):

    Here’s a guy, very successful, he’s a multimillionaire, he doesn’t have to help me out. But he helps me out not only in mentorship, but just writes me this check. I mean, we weren’t doing anything at the time, we could have easily gone under, we still almost went under a dozen times after that. I mean, he could have easily been screwed out, but a big chunk of change. But he didn’t come from that perspective. He came from the perspective that, he saw where I was at, he knew that there was value to be added to my life, and he was willing to take a risk on me and, and on Orion and on the company. And that, that really stuck with me in my approach to things and thinking about abundance mode, thinking about providing value to people, thinking about paying it forward, so anytime an entrepreneur reaches out to me on social or whatever, I always scheduled time for him always because I was that person. That was me. 

    And that’s a beautiful way to leapfrog is finding yourself and associating with mentors that are at the stage that you want to be at some point in the future. And they were where you, they were, where you are, at some time in their path. And when you find that, that relationship, and it doesn’t even have to be people, it could just be people that you follow, like Tony Robbins, a lot of people following Gary Vee and his journey and everything. And fortunately, I’m at a point now where I can actually, meet these, quote-unquote, mentors in person and spend a little time with them now, and see the authenticity and even take that relationship to the next level. But it doesn’t need to be like, hey, cold calling, will you be my mentor? It’s just, feeling their message, aligning with it, and, and figuring out how can I provide value to their life, and there’s always a way, there’s always a way.

    Misbah Haque  (43:10):

    that’s so powerful, because I mean, that that type of stuff really sticks with you, like, I mean, I wasn’t handed like a check for 25 grand or anything, but I can think of moments where, there’s a couple people who are probably friends of yours as well, that in a time where I was just starting the show up, and I was like, super excited and wanted some guidance, wanted some advice, these people had, you made the time to get on the phone with me, talk to me, give me a little bit of advice here and there. And they probably thought nothing of it after that. It was just like, that was a good guy. Like, I gave them kind of what I could, but like that stuck with me, those conversations stuck with me for months and months and months, still to this day. And then it’s been amazing, like getting to kind of have them on the show and revisit that to be like, Hey, you remember when I was just starting didn’t know anything, and you helped me out. Like, even though it was so small, it meant so much to me that I’m never gonna forget that. And I’m always kind of going to be at that point where like, hey, whatever you need, like I’m there. I’m here to support however I can.

    Aaron  (44:16):

    Absolutely, absolutely. That’s that reciprocity and that probably fulfillment you get by, now being in a position to to contribute and give back both to them and to other people that are coming to you for advice.

    Heroes of Education

    Misbah Haque  (44:33):

    For sure. It seems like the title of this episode should be emotional deposits and withdrawals.

    Aaron (44:39):

    There you go. I like it. All right.

    Misbah Haque  (44:41):

    Tell me a little bit about some of you’ve mentioned a couple of your mentors, but some of your mentors or heroes or sources for education, do you like to read a lot or do you listen to podcasts? Do you speak one on one with people a lot ? How do you kind of continue to learn, absorb and kind of elevate what you’re doing?

    Aaron  (45:00):

    Good question. I think, when we first started out, I was absorbing everything I could get my hands on a book a week for probably a year and a half straight. Everybody didn’t listen to any music, it was all podcasts, I was reading podcasts, audible anything, I could get my hands on just absorbing, absorbing. It’s not how I approach things now by any stretch, but it was good to do it because it was like a shotgun approach. And then I was kind of seeing what resonated and what stuck and then implementing it. Now I tried to really focus on, where am I at? Where are we at what’s the next level we’re trying to get to and consuming material that’s specific to getting to that next level? So as far as mentors go, um, I, I’ve had the fortunate ability to get to meet some incredible people. And I was following Gary Vee for a while, so I got to go out to his office and meet with him a little bit and kind of see what he’s all about. 

    It’s just a force of nature to watch the sky in action and, and he creates his own reality around him. It’s just amazing from a marketing perspective. And I mentioned Ben Alta Donna and Joe Polish who run a 25k group and his ability to bring people together and connect people. And, Tony is an incredible person to, to listen to speak live, and he’s a sincere force of nature I’ve got to meet Tim Ferriss a couple of times now, and just, different people that I’ve always held this, this, in this regard, and standard and most of them are very authentic people, like, why you kind of see is what you get the type of thing. But at the end of the day, they’re just a dude, dudes, or dudes, chicks or chicks. It’s just like, we’re all just human beings, we all still have our own little struggles and stuff. And we’re all humans. So I try not to put anybody on too high of a pedestal because I figured that’s, the further they can fall. But everyone has something to offer. And aligning with, where you want to be in the next step of your own personal or business evolution with what they’re offering. At this point in time. What will happen is your mentors will, some will stick with you, some will come and go, and others will come into your life. And it’s a constantly evolving process.

    Misbah Haque  (47:33):

    I love that. I want to dive into a couple rapid fires now. And this one’s a little personal. But tell me about your own journey of maybe, a time where you were feeling misunderstood or disconnected. Is there any point in time that brings up a story for you?

    Aaron  (47:52):

    2009. I mentioned I was a Cairo man making good cash. This was in 2007 before the market crashed. I look around everybody’s crushing it in real estate, good buddies. I went to high school or, multimillionaires on paper and have five rental homes. So I decided to jump into the real estate game in 2007. Okay. Well, we all know what happened there. And in 2009, I was underwater, I had $70,000 a month in the outflow. And I remember one month, I had a pretty good month at $50,000 a month, but I had 70 grand going out. And these couple properties were totally underwater, I mean, totally underwater. And I couldn’t keep up with the bills anymore. And I went under, I filed bankruptcy. And I remember being very emotional with my wife and just looking in the mirror, like, Here I am, in my, whatever I was MIT, early to mid-30s. Like, how did you fuck this up so bad? I was so disappointed in myself. So disappointed, I’m like, how do you make this much money? And screw this up? How are you so stupid for jumping in so late in the game on this real estate thing? It’s so obvious in hindsight, but I needed that bit of pain and the subsequent suffering. It gave me a new respect for appreciating what you actually have versus longing for what you don’t have. And that’s a lesson that I’ll carry forward forever. 

    So what’s that worth?  Another point right, right after I sold my practice a few years later, and the guy sold it to me I knew he wasn’t the right fit, he was not the right fit, he did not have the skillset, did not have the personality, anything. I hand him this golden goose that’s laying these nice fat eggs. And he totally screws it up within a couple of months and literally stops paying me no stops writing stops the monthly payment that he owes me. So here I am, I think we were making $1,000 a month that life, and I’ve got no income and a bunch of debt, and living to learn. I’m sorry, learning to live on $1,000 a month in Santa Cruz, California. Literally, I’m still in the 400 square foot, RV, we’re making mac and cheese with tuna. That’s for anyone who’s totally broke out there, mac and cheese with tuna in it mixed in actually tastes pretty damn good. And it costs you like a buck 50, but we’re eating this regularly. Like, there was no money for anything for a period of time. And I needed that. I needed that. So I think the big takeaway is, you are exactly where you need to be in life, right now, you’re exactly where you need to be. That’s not saying you’re exactly where you want to be. But you’re exactly where you need to be in recognizing that and appreciating that. Even though we may not see the whole mosaic at the time, we only see one little piece of glass and it makes zero sense to us. Trust me, as time goes by the whole tapestry, the artwork will reveal itself to you. And you will go Ah, now I know where that piece fits in. I’m thankful that I went through that. At the time it sucked. But that too will pass, trust me.

    Misbah Haque  (51:47):

    Wow, I love that story. And I know you have many of these stories that you already have told that I’m about to ask right now. But if anything else comes to mind, or one is very important, and you want to reiterate, feel free to do that. But let’s say I think of anybody who’s achieved success relative to what they, set out to do got to a point where they had to take a leap, right, they had to jump they didn’t know, if the parachute was going to open. And what happened is like before the parachute actually did open, it’s like,you got torn up by cliffs, your clothes came off and all sorts of crazy stuff happened. And that parachute opens up much, much later than you actually kind of wanted it to right. Is there a leap for you? Maybe it’s one of the ones you already said. But anything else that stands out that you had to take,

    Aaron  (52:39):

    Definitely the decision to sell my practice and then go on with life, it was a major leap. And thankfully, I’m really big in the last couple of months on alignment. And thankfully, my business partner, I was in alignment, my wife and I are in alignment. Like if you have a significant other, you must be in alignment to take those leaps, or else it’s gonna be not worth it. I don’t think you’d be in a life of misery. It’s either gonna be a nag, nag, nag, or it’s gonna be I told you. So I told you. So I told you though, and neither scenario is fun. So make sure you’re in alignment when you do take that leap, and push the chips all in. There’s a lot of things that happen in our evolution. Yeah, I remember sitting down with Orion and I think we had like two employees, maybe three at the time, but we had like four grand in payroll and we had two grand in the bank and payroll is the next day. 

    And there’s a no worse thing than going into your employees who have bills who have rent due who have food, student loans, and say, Hey, we literally can’t pay you, and that heartache of having to approach that and then at the 11th hour, something happens, we get a purchase order we got, friends and family decided to give us a $20,000 check to invest or something in it. That’s when I started really believing that I just must be meant to be. I was always hesitant around the home meant to be a thing. It’s all up to you and what you put in. I think certain things are actually meant to be because we should have been out of business a dozen times and things just happened to work out, right at the right moment. So I don’t know if it’s my guardian angel. Its karma is what but something is going on in the universe. And fortunately, the universe has helped us out on more than one occasion.

    Future Decisions

    Misbah Haque  (54:39):

    Now, let’s say that you had a couple billion dollars, right? And you have a staff of 40 people. Some of them can be the staff that you have now but you have the option to have the top performers, top thinkers kind of by your side so you have time money, energy, none of that is like an obstacle or issue You wanted to do something with that, what kind of comes to mind for you?

    Aaron  (55:05):

    Oh man, I mean, I love just wearing, I love what we are going to witness, what we are going to experience in our lifetime. And I love telling my kids like you are the last generation that will ever have the option to actually manually drive a car, right? I mean, this kind of stuff. So I, I really love, the kind of the future of tech and, and the Internet of Things and sensors and where all this is going. And from a health and wellness perspective and what life is all about, I would love to dive into customized nutrition. So some type of a sensor in your body, giving real time feedback to a 3d printer at home, that up your division and magnesium today or, your I sense a little inflammation, we’re going out and creating these like, custom cocktails on a daily basis just for you and what your body needs at this point in time. I mean, that would be the big vision for us in this company. If we had unlimited resources.

    Gifts of Knowledge

    Misbah Haque  (56:11):

    That would be so cool. Yeah. Let’s say you’re still a billionaire, right? And you could give two to three books to every person in the world. Does anything come to mind there? Or hey, wait, before I let you answer that it does not have to be books, it can be any piece of content that’s been influential to you. So maybe it’s like a podcast or video or article or anything, but two to three pieces of content that you can give to everybody.

    Aaron  (56:36):

    A book that I reread once in a while. And I think it used to be very popular. And maybe it’s fallen out of fashion a little bit with the younger generation. But thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is just such a classic. And if you haven’t read it, read it and pay extra attention to anything put in italics, because everything in italics is like juicy homerun material. And so that’s a great one to go back to. And it really, I think, plays into this whole mindset and abundance mode and how you should approach life. Another book that I absolutely love, and I’ve given away a ton shall be Dini’s book Influence The Psychology of Persuasion. There are so many interactions I talk about emotional deposits and withdrawals. There are so many things that happen that are unintended consequences of our actions, our words or behaviors that aren’t even our intent. But people take them negatively. So just being aware that that exists, like a basic one that I always I know it’s a grind. It’s no fun. You’re my only friend that showed up. Misbah no problem, no problem. I do it for anybody, no problem. You just put me on an emotional pedestal. And then I’ve just chopped it down by saying no problem, right? It’s not even a conscious thing. 

    I didn’t mean to discount your appreciation, although I did it and you subconsciously registered it that way. So just being aware of our language and how we use that I think Cialdini does a great job at that. And then the tool already mentioned, like the five-minute journal is just that, as it has been a game-changer for me. And just as a piece that I can, focus on appreciating some huge wins and the littlest things in life. And it’s all in there. And just so interesting to go back over the last couple of years and just look at the stuff I’ve written. Look at what would make today great, and how much of that will come true, like 99% of what I write what will make today great comes true. I don’t even I’m not even surprised by it anymore. I started developing this idea that when I was a chiropractor, I would wake up in the morning. And there’d be a patient that I hadn’t seen in two years. That was in my mind. And they would show up in the office that day. And I used to be like, Oh my God, you won’t believe this. And then towards the end of my practice, I wouldn’t even mention it to him, because I just expected it. The mind is so powerful, intentions are so powerful. And once we recognize the power that we all hold I I don’t know if this is mental power, or it’s a spiritual thing or what it is energy, but there’s something there and controlling, and manifesting our intent is an incredibly powerful thing.

    Misbah Haque  (59:46):

    Wow. Well, one, how, okay, how do you? You’ve talked about intent a lot, right? And I’m curious now when you think about manifesting intent and being very conscious of it. Is there? I don’t know, is there something that you’ve done consciously or subconsciously that has allowed that to happen? Like, what can somebody who’s listening kind of take and like, sit down? And like, really think like, How can I clarify what my intent is here and kind of align myself with whatever I’m trying to do?

    Aaron  (1:00:210:

    I think the first thing is you need to be brutally honest with yourself and where you’re coming from. And if you’re coming from a place of always trying to one-up somebody or scarcity or this or that kind of look at what’s the origins of that, because there’s something that happened in your history that kind of sets you off on that, that that trajectory, and you need to go back and deal with that. Um, I, I think another thing is being conscious of your head talk. I mentioned we kind of, we drift and sometimes the mind goes darker, the little negative demon starts chattering in your ear, being conscious of not getting absorbed in it, you’re not your thoughts,is what I would say we’re not our thoughts. I think that thoughts are part of what makes us up, but there’s something else at play. There’s another level that you can kind of dissect this and the ability to observe your thoughts, and then recognize certain patterns, I think, is kind of step one. And then if you see the patterns going a certain way, going, what’s behind that,, how can I deal with that crap that I’m from when I was seven years old, and healing that. And for some people, that’s, picking up the phone and calling your dad you haven’t talked to in 10 years? For some people, that’s kicking your porn addiction in the butt once and for all for,, for everybody. 

    It’s a different struggle. I believe that there are certain propensities that are probably genetic that get passed down. Like my family, it is very addictive. I mean, fortunately, my parents were both great and didn’t have these addictions. But all of my aunts, all my uncles, alcoholics, my grandparents, alcoholics, right. My brother, his couple brothers are addictive gamblers, I have a sister who struggles with alcoholism. And so I know my propensities. I prevent that. He’s like, Yeah, go for it in any situation. So being conscious of that, and sometimes, pulling back and like,  I used to really enjoy playing poker. And now I really don’t play anymore, because I saw that little gambling demon talking in my ear too much, right. So being aware, being self-aware of your head talk, being aware of the propensities of your habits. Someone told me, once your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions. So the most obvious is if you’re fucking up, and your actions are totally screwed up, then, obviously, and yeah, that’s a good sign that your head screwed up. If what’s coming out of your mouth is negative or scarcity or belittling, then your thought process is screwed up. So kind of rewinding the clock a little bit, see what’s at this and observing it, and then making a conscious effort to at least stop that type of behavior. And then, once you recognize and you can stop it, then you can kind of shift it a little bit and go, I’m not gonna let that happen again, let me go down this other road.

    Acknowledging Appreciation

    Misbah Haque  (1:03:22):

    I love that. I want to know what you were saying about the emotional pedestal right and saying like, no problem, and discounting that even though you didn’t mean to what the contrary language to that look like? I’m sure there’s 100 different ways you could phrase it right. But like, what, what is, uh, yeah, what comes to mind for you? That’s kind of acknowledging that appreciation and kind of rolling with that.

    Aaron  (1:03:49):

    The very, the most simple thing is, you’re welcome. I’m sure you would have done the exact same thing for me. Yeah. I’m recognizing it. Think people some people are like givers, some people are takers, and we kind of have this different thing. I was always a giver and had a hard time accepting. Yeah. And that’s one thing I’ve just worked on. It’s like, me not accepting when someone else is giving to me is a negative for them. Like there’s a giver, they need to be able to give and show appreciation. So, it’s still a struggle for me and I’ll kind of discount it when people are complimentary or this or that. It’s a little bit of a struggle for me, but I catch myself and I go, okay, they’re showing appreciation. I need to accept that appreciation, show appreciation, return versus deflect it, or minimize it.

    Misbah Haque  (1:04:50):

    Sweet, thank you for that. What is something that you feel like? I’m sure you get a ton of different questions, right. And in all aspects, maybe it’s career advice. Your business advice. But what is something you wish people would ask you more about? Is there anything that comes to mind? Like what I think of that is like, let’s say you have a photographer, right? And the photographer gets a ton of questions around like, hey, what camera do you use? And like all these technical things, but in reality, maybe the photographer’s like, I wish they would ask something like, how do I take better pictures, or like something that’s related to the craft? Is there anything, along those lines that you wish people would ask you more about?

    Aaron  (1:05:30):

    Um, I tend to, when I’m getting interviewed like this, kind of impose what I’m thinking about most often. So regardless of what I’m getting asked, I tend to kind of like, here’s what’s on my mind, here’s what I’m thinking now. And, and so, probably not, as I probably guide your conversation. I don’t know how many times we play this back, you probably asked me one question. I’ve answered something totally different. Sorry about that.

    Misbah Haque  (1:05:54):

    No, that’s okay. All right. This is my last one. Let’s say that everything you’ve accomplished, right? Even going back to like the sports Cairo business you had, like, all of that is gone. And you only have $500 And you have a laptop? What would you do with it?

    Aaron (1:06:15):

    First thing I would do is send out emails, or get on the phone to everybody that I’ve known done business with, and just let them know, like, Hey, I’m starting something new. If you have anything that you think I’d be a good fit for, please, reach out, I’m really open and I’m ready to rock and roll. I probably would need to turn that 500 into 10 or 20 grand really quickly, so I could do something with it. So, there are lots of ways to do that. But yeah, I mean, from a product perspective, probably the easiest way I could ever think of to make money right now is, buying white label stuff and reselling it on Amazon, like simple stuff like that, like I know people are making multiple millions of dollars is white labeling products on Amazon. There are so many ways to make money these days. It’s like, it’s, there’s never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. 

    There are really no excuses. I know, Gary talks about like, hey, go on Craigslist, go on the free section, grab some stuff, relist it for a fee and drop it off, like, you don’t have money typically have time. So you do things that you can utilize that that people with money that don’t have time and use that as an exchange tool, but I’m not afraid to work, man, if I had to and the family was hungry, I go out and stand on the corner and with my gloves on and ready to do manual labor. I mean, I’ll dig ditches. I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again. So sometimes you can really leverage your contacts and your history and your thought process. And sometimes you just got to get your hands dirty.

    Misbah Haque  (1:07:57):

    Yeah. Well, thank you so much, Aaron, for coming on and sharing so much wisdom and knowledge with us all. Where can we follow you? Where can we support your journey and keep up with what you’re up to?

    Aaron  (1:08:10):

    I appreciate it was a ton of fun. For me personally, if anyone wants to email me, it’s just a hind [email protected], or my social mainland, keeps up on Instagram is just Aaron Hinde. And then for life at our websites, I was a great resource. lifeaidbev.com or any of our social handles all have to do with the individual skews. Our biggest is, at FIT eight, especially on Instagram, YouTube, that kind of thing.

    Misbah Haque  (1:08:39):

    Sweet. Well, thanks again. Aaron. I would love to have you back on at some point to continue the conversation.

    Aaron (1:08:43):

    I look forward to appreciate it.

    Misbah Haque  (1:08:48):

    Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you lending me your ears. Before you head out. I wanted to share a free gift with you. It’s only available for podcast listeners at ms hq.com. Again, that’s mid hq.com. So go ahead and grab that. If you want to support the show. The best compliment that you can give is by leaving a review with your thoughts. You have no idea how much that helps, and I always love hearing from you guys. So once again, thank you again for tuning in. Until next time

    Resources we may have talked about:

    Life Aid

    How to connect with Aaron Hinde:





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